A Complete Guide to Flight Crew Security Training
Dec 20, 2021
Have you heard about Amazon Air? Since 2015, Amazon has been building its personal delivery fleet. They now make around 160 flights per day to reach their ambitious delivery goals.
As Amazon builds a delivery fleet, greater numbers of Fortune 100 and 500 companies have turned to private fleets. These fleets carry employees all over the world. This move to increase efficiency should not come at the expense of security.
Has your business considered using private aircraft for travel? If so, now is the time to invest in flight crew security training. Read this guide to learn more about flight crew training and how it will benefit your business and your travelers.
Why Invest in Flight Crew Education?
The vulnerabilities and weaknesses that plague the aviation industry constantly change and morph. Flight crew preparedness courses equip your crew to handle the ever-shifting threats involved in air travel.
It is recommended that all personnel involved in flight operations receive training. This includes pilots, management, dispatchers/schedulers, flight attendants, security, and maintenance.
A fully trained crew brings peace of mind for all involved. The crew will feel empowered by fact that you value them enough to invest in them.
The passengers will feel more at ease knowing they are traveling in a secure environment. Finally, you'll feel reassured knowing that you facilitated a safer operation for all involved.
Will It Disrupt Operations?
The best flight crew courses tailor the training to fit your schedule and needs. A custom training schedule takes into account your operational workflow. Then they build around that to enhance the efficiency of the training.
Additionally, Aviation Secure offers both in-person and online training options. In-person training gives participants more hands-on learning opportunities. Online training provides the most flexible schedule for a variety of participants.
What Will We Learn During Training?
Training will vary from company to company and whether you opt for in-person or online training. Here are some things you can expect to learn during a comprehensive flight crew education course.
Building an Effective Security Culture
A strong and unified culture is the basis of all successful security programs. A flight crew course will give you the framework to establish a viable and healthy culture. This culture enables you to maintain effective security in the long term for every flight.
You have great importance in your role as the leader of this culture. By learning security measures, you take your security culture to a higher standard. This high standard allows you and the flight crew to make better-informed decisions in real-time.
Exploring Procedures and Policies
A few different types of flights include:
- Commercial
- Private
- Freight
Each type has different policies and procedures surrounding operation and security. By participating in security-specific aviation training you protect yourself legally. And, most important of all, you protect your crews physically.
Abiding by all procedures and policies prevents security breaches. Flight crew security training will walk you through real-life scenarios. These scenarios show where security incidents occurred because personnel were not following policy.
Understand Risk Assessment and Trust Intuition
The job of any flight crew member involves constant security assessment. This risk assessment involves analyzing situations for potential threats. Then, understanding how to react to each variable. A key tool in this process is intuition.
It's hard for people to trust their intuition when they have no experience with things going wrong. Flight crew training provides opportunities for crew members to run through a wide variety of scenarios. Then, in a safe environment, they can experiment with things going awry.
Additionally, flight crew preparedness involves increasing perimeter awareness. Students of security courses gain tools that increase situational awareness and strengthen their ability to perceive threats. Untrained eyes may miss these threats.
Preventative Security Measures
Flight crew training ensures that, if something were to go wrong, your crew would be ready. However, the best-case scenario is that things don't have the chance to go wrong. That's where preventative security measures come into play.
Spots where things tend to get out of hand are:
- Passenger assessment
- Pilot/passenger relations
- Onboard incident management
- Luggage concerns
- Aircraft burglary
- Communication errors
In high-quality flight training, the instructor analyzes your frequent destinations and makes personalized recommendations for preventative measures.
Improving Passenger and Crew Security
As the head of a flight department, you should constantly ask yourself questions to improve the security of your crew and the passengers who will fly with you.
How well do you know the passengers that will fly with your crew? What ID protocols do you have in place? Questions like these help increase the security of your crew.
What background checks do your crew members go through? How can you find the most skilled crew members? These questions help protect your passengers.
Security Training Reenactment
One benefit of in-person training specifically is the ability to participate in security training reenactments. It is one thing to read about something, but another thing entirely to live it. Reenactments provide the opportunity for students to physically engage with the material and deepen their comprehension of the material.
Security Training Is Right for You and Right for Your Crew
A highly trained flight crew will support your business as it soars to new heights. With specialized flight crew training, you will be able to travel securely and rest easy each time you or your employees fly.
Aviation Secure, an NBAA PDP-approved training provider, will work with you to provide the most customized training available. Contact us today to begin your journey towards air-travel security.
Secure Your Flight Department and Personnel Today!
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