Everything You Need to Know about Aviation Security Training aviation security Feb 28, 2022

What would happen in the event of a terrorist attack onboard your company aircraft? Would your flight crew know how to handle such an emergency? 

Aviation security management and training are paramount within a company's flight department.

You want your company to have the best aviation security t...

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The Importance of Aviation Security aviation security Jan 11, 2022

Air travel provides tremendous connectivity from a national, regional, and global scale. It also creates employment, promotes trade, and drives tourism.

Over 100,000 flights take off and land in different parts of the world every 24 hours. Due to its importance, air travel also attracts different t...

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A Complete Guide to Flight Crew Security Training flight crew Dec 20, 2021

Have you heard about Amazon Air? Since 2015, Amazon has been building its personal delivery fleet. They now make around 160 flights per day to reach their ambitious delivery goals. 

As Amazon builds a delivery fleet, greater numbers of Fortune 100 and 500 companies have turned to private fleets. Th...

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10 Benefits of Aviation Security Training aviation security Dec 17, 2021

Aviation security became the forefront of the world's news after 9/11/01. The world changed and so did the approach to aviation security. 

In November of 2001, the TSA was created which forever altered the way people fly. There are measures, policies, and protocols in place to ensure the safety of ...

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